My Indochina tour starts great ... after a few wonderful (!) hours with Issi in Bangkok (thanks a lot for everything!!! — not what you think, guys!!) I met my brother Erwin 🙂 ... who is on a 6-month round-the-world-tour with four buddies. It turned out that they flew in from Hongkong only one day after I arrived in Bangkok ... which I found out just a few days before my own flight ... a very nice coincidence 🙂

Just a few interesting details about my equipment: The main backpack weighs around 19 kg, the daypack approximately 6 kg ... including around 5 kg of Diabetes supply. 150 glucose sensor discs (i.e. 1500 sensors), 1.5 kg of Dextro Energy and 1.5 kg of insulin (60 ampules cooled with 2 Frio cooling bags) ... enough for about 6 months.
Thus I had to cut down on other things ... I had to leave my hairdryer at home *g*